Fear would probably best describe what I was feeling a few days ago. Fear of flying. Fear of being apart from my kids for 22 days. Fear of being so far away from my kids for 22 days. Fear of the unknown. Fear.
In the moment before taking off from New York to Amsterdam for the 2nd leg of a 4 part flight plan to Angola, Africa, I actually had the thought...I could go home now and I would see my kids in about 3 hours. But once I get on this plane, I will literally be days away,
Then I recalled a verse a friend shared with me before I left:
3. You see me when I travel
and when I rest at home.
You know everything I do.
9. If I ride the wings of the morning,
if I dwell by the farthest oceans,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
and your strength will support me.
Psalm 139:3, 9-10
After meditating on that scripture for a while, God covered me in His peace. I was able to sleep on the red-eye flight and even immensely enjoy my next layover in Amsterdam (which you can read about here).
When I arrived in Luanda, my dear friend Robert Meyer met me at the gate. I was immediately at ease knowing I had gotten safely to Africa. I have known Robert since my freshman year of college at Harding in 2001. His wife Teague and I were roommates and in a club together. I have wanted to visit them in Angola since before they moved away in 2010. As I listened to Robert speak in Portuguese to all the security people and then to the cab driver, my focus began to shift. I started imagining how terrified Robert and Teague must have been to move here with their newly adopted boys. Getting on a plane knowing they would not see their families for possibly years (not just days). Not having a seasoned missionary to show them through the airport and take them to safety.
But they didn't waver. They got on that plane. Found their way. Built a house. Planted a garden. Made friends. Now they have been planting seeds for His Kingdom for over 5 years. I am truly amazed at my extraordinarily brave friends. I am so honored to witness the good work they are doing for Jesus.
"Renovo" - The Angola Team's House Church