
We arrived in Namibe within a couple of hours leaving Lubango.

Namibe is on the west coast of Angola and very flat compared to the places we had been up to this point. It is mostly desert and dry river beds creating shallow gorges, some of which have been irrigated for farmland. As we drive into town we can see the ocean and a haze has settled over everything.

Robert uses a facebook message to guide us the last few kilometers to the Killough’s home.

David and Fiona Killough and Dan and Rachel Hoyme arrived in Namibe in the spring as missionaries with Overland Missions. They work with tribes in the bush, specifically the Mucubal Tribe. When we arrived Fiona was furiously baking in the kitchen to prepare food for David and Dan to take with them for a trip out to the bush.

We spent a wonderful evening talking with Fiona and David about their previous work in Africa and experience moving to Angola. They have two children close to my own children’s ages, 2 and 4. Fiona had decorated their walls with her girls’ art work and family pictures.

From the inside of their house, I would have thought I was in the states. But a quick look out the window, seeing the huge land cruisers and armed guards against the sandy, flat backdrop, brought me back to the reality that I was in the desert.

The Hoyme Family joined us for dinner and the kids played.

Again, I was struck with admiration for the choices these families have made in the name of Jesus.